We provide 2 types of services : Pharmacy & Stockists / Distributers.
PHARMACY: Our Service is Simple & Personal. We offer hand dispensed medicines from our vast original bank of Homeopathic remedies, Dilutions, Mother tinctures, Biochemic Trituration Tablets for Professional doctors, practitioners and retail pharmacies. In all potencies are made to order. And include Homoeopathic Kits of 60 & 120 remedies.
STOCKISTS / DISTRIBUTERS: We are respected as genuine suppliers of quality medicines by different reputed companies. Which include :
a) Reckeweg, German - Dilutions, Mother Tincture, Patented R series nos 1 to 89 and Biochemic tablets.
b) Adel , German - Dilutions, Mother Tinctures, Patented Adel Series 1 to 89.
c) S. B. L Pvt Ltd - Dilutions, Mother Tinctures, Patent Products.
d) Willmar Schwabe India - Dilutions, Mother Tinctures, Patent Products.
e) Baksons , B Jain & Medisynth - Patent products.